Saturday, September 8, 2007

Dawson's football schedule for Tri City Youth league in Borger

The following is the schedule for Dawson's games which take place in Borger on Saturdays.
I got to watch him play a tough game against the "Sooners" on the 8th. The game lasted two hours in the heat and humidity, and even though they were behind the entire game, they never got down, and they never lost heart. It cost a whole dollar to get in the game, and they have a good concession to go with it, so get out there and cheer him on when you get a chance. The games are held at the same place where Travis played baseball, if any of you got to see his games. The field is just North of the cut-off to Buena Vista, on the South side of Borger.
F.M. 1559, turn North at E.D. Baker Sand and Gravel. Can't miss it.

***Dawson is #3*** David is the coach
All games Saturday in Borger***
September 8 10a vs Sooners
September 15 4p vs Eagles
September 22 2p vs Sunray
September 29 12p vs Cowboys *OSU*
October 6 6p vs Fritch
October 13 8a vs Stinnett
October 20 TBA Monster Bowl

1 comment:

The Hammer Family said...

Good Luck Daws!! We love you, & will try to get to a game soon!!